This May I’ll be attending my first ADF Gathering — Wellspring 2011! I’m very, very excited.
Here’s the description of the event from ADF’s website:
Sound the Horn of Gathering, and light the Fire of the Feast! The Wellspring Gathering brings together the Elders, hard-working managers and membership of A.D.F. for a long weekend of worship and magic, teaching and learning music and fellowship.
We will be having a three part Bardic competition this year to include one of each: a song, a story and finally poetry. We will have a sign-up for the competition at the registration pavilion. The winner will receive a trophy of a necklace for the year(s) they are the winner of the competition. This will be set up as a performance on the schedule of events. This will allow all interested to come during the day time to see the many different talents we have in ADF. The judges will sit in on all the performances and the finalists will repeat there performance on Saturday night at the pot luck/brewers competition.
YES, I said Brewers Competition. Any of you that have a brew to bring to the event please try and get it there before Friday noon (unless other arrangements have been made). If you will not be there and want to join email me (AJ Gooch) and we can work it out. Mead and Beer are always welcome!
The band for the Saturday night pot luck will be The Mickeys a new band for the event. They have been to Brushwood for many events. This is sure to be a great time.
Also this year there will be an altar set at the front of the hospitality area for groves and solitaries to bring an item from their altar(s) to place there for the event. This is to show our unity in ADF and to carry the energy back home. Please mark your item with name and contact information in case it is accidentally left behind. BE READY FOR SOME CHANGES THIS YEAR.
Oh how I would LOVE to win the Bardic competition! I have 3 months to prepare an original song, story & poem for the event. That should be plenty of time!
Are any of my fellow Druids, Pagans or Dedicants-In-Training considering attending? What say you – join me for a song around the fire?
8 responses to “I’m Going To Wellspring!”
Cool. I’m planning to attend as well. It’ll be nice to meet a fellow dedicant!
Ah – fantastic!! That’s wonderful, Kévin! I’m really looking forward to meeting you!
Hubby and I went last year and it was wonderful! I highly recommend it. I’m not sure if we’re going this year or not, but I’ll be posting about it if I do!
Glad to hear you had a great time last year! I hope to meet you there this May!
Awesome: see you there! Solitary members are always welcome to camp or hang with or near Three Cranes. It can sometimes be hard to integrate with folks at some festivals. Wellspring is very open festival and meeting people can be a bit harder there. Having an open invitation to hang out often makes the festival experience a bit smoother. 🙂
Thanks, Michael. Much appreciated! I’m looking forward to finally meeting you, and all of the Three Crane folk, in person!
Jealous!! I really want to go, but it’s hard to know yet if I’ll be able to. We’re moving in a month, so I’ll be within a day’s drive away, but I just don’t know. My fiancé might not be able to get away from work to go with me, and I’m a little shy to go on my own… Maybe my new grove will have a few people going, and I’ll be able to tag along. Here’s hoping!
Well, Kristin, if you think you’ll go do let me know. We’ll totally hang!
My fingers are crossed!!