To #Occupy, To Fully Engage

During the month that Occupy Wall Street grew from a small gathering to an international movement I mostly stayed home, busy with the work of selling our house.

Protesters gathered around the Capitol, camped out with their hand-made signs and their earnest expressions, and I sat at our dining room table, worried about whether our eighty-four year old house would pass inspection, frantically scrolling through Craigslist ads in search of a place to live, wishing this would all just end.

When people ask me why we’re moving I tell them it’s because, “we’re entering a transition period.” The line is short and convenient, but incomplete. It’s a tweet more than it is an explanation; fewer than 140 characters, and lacking the details which show just how complex this situation is.

I say it to spare the inquisitor the burden of hearing how financial decisions were made based on promises that were, ultimately, not kept, or that – simply put – we need to spend less money every month. I say it because it’s easier than explaining the whole truth.

I say it to spare my pride, too.


The how we got here is always more complicated than we make it out to be.

I have this thought when I drive down Broadway in Denver on the way to our small, storage unit, passing by what was first a humble Tent City and what is now a large patch of grass and sidewalk occupied by hipsters and activists and ex-hippies, interchangeably dressed, and carrying signs that read,



EAT THE RICH! (a personal favorite)

Three words here, four there. A tweet, drawn out in Sharpie ink.

The words call out to passers by — We’re entering a transition period!!!

But it’s always more complicated than we make it out to be.

I don’t suspect I will understand exactly how I got to where I am now, to the selling of our home just three years after buying it, until I have a little distance from the situation. I know I share part of the responsibility – a good portion, more like. I could have made different choices, anticipated different outcomes. I could have been more frugal at moments, and more calculating. But, I made the choices that made sense to me at the time.

I wonder if the protesters are at all willing to own up to their own contributions to the system they rail against. It’s easier to place blame on this idea of “Corporate Greed” than it is to examine how our buying habits influence the world we live in. We are all complicit, to a degree.

Unpacking Our Baggage

It would be naive to say that our circumstances are the result of any one single choice, or that a small group of people are the only ones to blame for the world’s ills. Those are easy answers to very difficult questions, and they keep us from being accountable to our own lives.

Part of what I identify as a Pagan Value is being fully present in the world, fully present to all of what is happening around me. In the world has negative connotations to some, but to me it feels like the path of choice, quite literally.

I choose to face this change of life without resentment or blame. I choose to acknowledge how painful it is to let go of the comforts of this house. My choice is over and over to be honest about what is happening, and not to scapegoat anyone.

This approach to living is by no means exclusively for Pagans, but for me it does feel like an extension of my spiritual growth and practice.

The Movers Are Here

We are all entering a transition period. There is evidence of it in the streets, in our homes, in our pockets and in our hearts. This is an inevitable progression, and it will likely continue to be difficult and challenging.

But it presents us with the opportunity to be fully engaged in the living of our lives; our complicated, messy, mistake-riddles lives that are also magical, and substantive, and worthy of more than a sign-slogan, a tweet, or an easy explanation.

What we do with that opportunity is our choice to make.






3 responses to “To #Occupy, To Fully Engage”

  1. Nicole Youngman Avatar
    Nicole Youngman

    Best wishes on the move…I can sympathize with the situation. We don’t own a house–and at this point, I’m really glad of that–but we have a pretty nice apartment that I worry sometimes we’ll lose if we go over the edge financially. I just finished a PhD, which sounds fabulous, but now I’m paying $800/mo in student loans and don’t want to move across the country to find a better job–we love it here, kiddo is doing well in his school, likewise hubby at his job, we are very attached to the spirits of this place. Needless to say, I’m not sure the whole grad school thing was worth the effort–but could I have better anticipated the situation several years ago? Hard to say.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Thanks for the comment, Nicole. I appreciate the sympathetic voice, and with a husband who, himself, shoulders a good bit of student loan debt I can relate.

      I wish you and your family the very best!

  2. […] Bishop, over at Bishop in the Grove offers a brief musing on the Pagan Value of being present in the world and on the complexities at play in m…. Share this:FacebookTwitterMoreStumbleUponRedditDiggEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]