Category: ADF Happenings

  • Turning Over The Earth

    The Spring comes, and my life transforms. It seems to be almost as reliable as the coming of the Cottonwood snow. It happens every year, this pull towards the world; this letting go of Winter’s introspection.

  • I’m Going To Wellspring!

    Sound the Horn of Gathering, and light the Fire of the Feast! This May I’ll be attending my first ADF Gathering — Wellspring 2011! I’m very, very excited.

  • When The Heavens Open

    I discovered this video, and it really moved me. Reverend Michael J. Dangler, a person who I’ve never met in person but who is responsible for the DP workbook and journal that I’ve written about recently, was ordained last year at Summerland, the ADF gathering. From the video’s description: The rite was done during the […]