Category: Druidry
How I Arrived At Pagan
I’m writing to explain my relationship with the identifier, Pagan, and how it sometimes fits and often does not fit my sense of religious identity.
Show and Tell: My Bookshelf
Following the lead of a friend, I share a photo of my spiritual work space as a reminder that yes-I am more than the sum of my online profiles!
At the moment of surrender, when all seemed lost, I experienced a new kind of connection to the Gods. It’s what the Druids call, “Ghosti”.
Tree Roots and Druid Groups
The question is, must I be a strict adherent to any one of these traditions in order to accomplish that? Can I be an ADF member, following through on my commitment to the Dedicant Path, while still harboring this love for the Druid Revivalists and their modern spiritual offspring?
A Weiser Win, and a Welcome To New Readers
This morning I received a sweet note in my Facebook inbox from “Ankhie”, the Weiser Books web guru. She wrote to inform me that my post, “In the beginning, there was Weiser…” was selected as the winner of the Weiser Books 100th Blog Post Challenge.
The Doing of the Details: Ostara 2011
Worship must be more than role-play. I believe that effective group worship must be an engaging act that seeks to unite the people present in a common mind for a common purpose.
Prose or Poetry?
A question for all my fellow ADF’ers: What if I prepared my Dedicant Path submissions on the High Days as poems instead of the traditional prose/academic model? I could still site references (which could be kinda cool, actually – my poems would have footnotes!), and it would allow me to engage with the assigned writing […]
My Heart Is Your Hearth: Imbolc 2011
Imbolc is a High Day where we acknowledge and honor Brighid, yes. But, I think it is also an opportunity to acknowledge and honor all of the qualities which She represents in us.
WWDD: What Would Druids Do?
I wonder what the Druids of old would think about my documenting these esoteric studies and experiences on a blog. Or better yet, what would they think of a blog?
Daily Devotionals: Getting off the page
Reading a ritual off a page is awkward. The words are missing the fire of inspiration, at least that’s how it felt to me on my first and second day of my morning devotional. Today, I made a change.
Sincerity in the Face of Drought
When I was a part of the Christian church, I was called to have faith in my beliefs. That faith was offered up as a bit of sustenance to get me through spiritual drought. I’m reminded of that drought now, but what I’m experiencing these days is less an absence of spirit and more an absence of community.
High Days: Reflections on Yule
I’m not suggesting that Yule be akin to group therapy, or that we all must poster our ritual space with signs of our pain and suffering in order to be joyous. I’m simply seeking a balance of light and dark.
The first steps on a full, red moon
Thinking back to the preparations I’ve made over the past few weeks, it occurs to me that my first act an ADF Dedicant is called to perform – the First Oath – has already been written.