Category: Talking the Walk

  • Turning Over The Earth

    The Spring comes, and my life transforms. It seems to be almost as reliable as the coming of the Cottonwood snow. It happens every year, this pull towards the world; this letting go of Winter’s introspection.

  • April Tumult & the Birth of New Myth

    April was a month of great change and upheaval. Perhaps I’ve been holding on to Winter, and all that it represents, and the Gods would have no more of it. Or, it could be the result of cosmic forces; a planet gone retrograde, or some other unseen spirit. I cannot say. All I know is […]

  • Ghosti!

    At the moment of surrender, when all seemed lost, I experienced a new kind of connection to the Gods. It’s what the Druids call, “Ghosti”.

  • Tree Roots and Druid Groups

    The question is, must I be a strict adherent to any one of these traditions in order to accomplish that? Can I be an ADF member, following through on my commitment to the Dedicant Path, while still harboring this love for the Druid Revivalists and their modern spiritual offspring?

  • A Beautiful Noise

    This mashup of religious expression is coming from a sincere place, and I believe sincerity to be the most important ingredient in one’s religious life.

  • The Doing of the Details: Ostara 2011

    Worship must be more than role-play. I believe that effective group worship must be an engaging act that seeks to unite the people present in a common mind for a common purpose.

  • A Response to “Omens and Tarot”

    This post is a response to the blog post “Omens and Tarot”, posted yesterday on Grey Wren’s Flight (

  • The Kindred Speak Through the Tarot

    I don’t normally share the details of my daily meditation outside of one of my weekly recaps. But today, I’m making an exception.

  • Slow down, Teo. Slow down.

    Illness struck hard. My temperature rose to 102 degrees with little warning, and my corners and edges began to ache. Sweat to chill and back to sweat again; this would be my pattern for days.

  • Prose or Poetry?

    A question for all my fellow ADF’ers: What if I prepared my Dedicant Path submissions on the High Days as poems instead of the traditional prose/academic model? I could still site references (which could be kinda cool, actually – my poems would have footnotes!), and it would allow me to engage with the assigned writing […]

  • A Question to My Readers: Integration

    I pose this question to my readers, regardless of your spiritual tradition and practice: How do you integrate your spiritual practice into your ordinary life? What tips could you give someone who is struggling with this challenge?

  • Do The Work: A Motto For Dedicants

    The results of the physical work are measurable. I know my thighs are shrinking, as is my belly. I know that my shoulders are bigger, and that my chest is broadening. But the results of my spiritual work don’t come in inches or pounds.

  • The Meaning of Prayer: A response

    This post is a response to The Meaning of Prayer on Grey Wren’s Flight. Kristin, I appreciate what your fiancé said – “Prayer is an offering of time and spirit” – and I’d like to add something my husband told me. He said that of all the offerings we make to the Kindred, our sincerity may be the greatest one we have […]

  • New Word: Drubie

    The word is light-hearted, and when I say it out loud it reminds me that while spiritual work deserves my dedication, focus and sincerity, I have to remember not to take everything too seriously.

  • WWDD: What Would Druids Do?

    I wonder what the Druids of old would think about my documenting these esoteric studies and experiences on a blog. Or better yet, what would they think of a blog?