A Beautiful Noise
This mashup of religious expression is coming from a sincere place, and I believe sincerity to be the most important ingredient in one’s religious life.
On Meditation and Devotion: Weeks 10, 11, & 12
March has been quite productive. Spring is definitely upon us! I’ve been working away from home for over half of the month, relying heavily on my portable altar for morning worship.
The Doing of the Details: Ostara 2011
Worship must be more than role-play. I believe that effective group worship must be an engaging act that seeks to unite the people present in a common mind for a common purpose.
On Meditation and Devotion: Weeks 7, 8, and 9
I think it is time for me to return to the DP material and search out techniques to control my mind. It’s time to bring more mental discipline into my practice.
A Response to “Omens and Tarot”
This post is a response to the blog post “Omens and Tarot”, posted yesterday on Grey Wren’s Flight (http://greywren.wordpress.com)
The Kindred Speak Through the Tarot
I don’t normally share the details of my daily meditation outside of one of my weekly recaps. But today, I’m making an exception.
Slow down, Teo. Slow down.
Illness struck hard. My temperature rose to 102 degrees with little warning, and my corners and edges began to ache. Sweat to chill and back to sweat again; this would be my pattern for days.
On Meditation and Devotion: Weeks 5 & 6
My daily devotional and my periodic, but often powerful meditative work, have become a central part of my life. For this reason, I feel blessed.
Prose or Poetry?
A question for all my fellow ADF’ers: What if I prepared my Dedicant Path submissions on the High Days as poems instead of the traditional prose/academic model? I could still site references (which could be kinda cool, actually – my poems would have footnotes!), and it would allow me to engage with the assigned writing […]
My Heart Is Your Hearth: Imbolc 2011
Imbolc is a High Day where we acknowledge and honor Brighid, yes. But, I think it is also an opportunity to acknowledge and honor all of the qualities which She represents in us.
My Portable Altar
I’m ok with taking a pause from academia. But, worship? Worship goes with.
On Meditation and Devotion: Week 4
The second in a series of posts that serve to summarize my daily experiences during meditation and devotional rituals.
History Waits… The Gods Call!
History was never my forte, and my getting older hasn’t changed that much. Now, religion and philosophy? I can dig into some religion and philosophy.
Advice From The Otherworld
An unannounced visit from a relative can be jarring. Especially when they’re dead.
On Meditation and Devotion: Weeks 1 through 3
Ideally, this series of posts, “On Meditation and Devotion” will come weekly, and serve to summarize the daily entries I keep in my hand-written journal.
A Question to My Readers: Integration
I pose this question to my readers, regardless of your spiritual tradition and practice: How do you integrate your spiritual practice into your ordinary life? What tips could you give someone who is struggling with this challenge?
Turning Over A Good Omen
I started a new creative project today. It’s one I’ve been preparing for since November of last year, and one that will influence much of what is to come throughout the rest of the Winter. It’s kind of a big deal. I decided that it would be right and good to make special requests to […]
Belief Is In The Doing
What struck me as interesting about his request, and what sent me into a bit of a tailspin, was how he framed the proposed discussion. My beliefs were what mattered to him, not my practice.
Do The Work: A Motto For Dedicants
The results of the physical work are measurable. I know my thighs are shrinking, as is my belly. I know that my shoulders are bigger, and that my chest is broadening. But the results of my spiritual work don’t come in inches or pounds.