• One God, Two Gods; Red God, Blue Gods

    What if it was all true? ALL of it – more than you ever imagined before. Could you be flexible enough to believe in everything?

  • What We Are: One Pagan-American Response

    Star Foster asked: “What makes Pagans valuable to America? What do we bring to the table? How do we exemplify American values?”

  • The Just Treatment Of Puppies And Old People

    Old folks & puppies are cute, but they shouldn’t be confused. Old people have one set of needs, and puppies another. Question is – how do you do right by both?

  • The Day The Witches Took Over Church – UPDATED

    No one knew why the woman sitting beside the Pagan Chamber Choir was wearing a black, feathered, Carnival mask, and I doubt anybody asked. Her display may have seemed a bit dark for 9:15am on a Sunday, but who was I to judge?

  • Letting Go Of The Gun

    What are you supposed to do when you realize that you have to sit back and allow a bad thing to play out?

  • Rules Of Reverence: The Sacred And The Silly

    How do we find a balance between our desire for personal freedom and the legitimate need to have a standard measurement in our community?

  • Pill Popping Deities

    Are the Gods little more than metaphysical designer drugs for the New Age? Are we in service to them, or is it the other way around?

  • The Reality TV Myth

    This post is about myth, specifically the role that myth-making has in the modern world. How do we consume myths? Who’s selling them to us, and why are they valuable? How are we using myth, or misusing it? And, how is it being used against us to keep us from creating new myths of our own?

  • Casting Faith

    Pagans are so centered around practice. We define ourselves by what we do, not by what we believe (generally speaking). But faith is all about belief, isn’t it? How do we reframe faith as something that you do instead of something that you have?

  • Imagination is a Pagan Value

    Your imagination is where it all takes place. See a deity? Give thanks to your imagination. Create a circle of protection? Again, imagination.

  • Pagans Have Values, Too, Say Bloggers

    Think Christians are the only ones with values? Think again.

  • Pagan Is The New Gay

    Admittedly, I’m a newbie in the Pagan community. But, I’m no newbie Gay. I feel there’s a valuable parallel between our struggles that no one is picking up on.

  • How I Arrived At Pagan

    I’m writing to explain my relationship with the identifier, Pagan, and how it sometimes fits and often does not fit my sense of religious identity.

  • Show and Tell: My Bookshelf

    Following the lead of a friend, I share a photo of my spiritual work space as a reminder that yes-I am more than the sum of my online profiles!

  • An Expostmodern Response

    There’s a buzz in the Pago-blogosphere about this idea of expostmodernism, specifically as it relates to religion, it’s survival, or it’s demise.

  • Turning Over The Earth

    The Spring comes, and my life transforms. It seems to be almost as reliable as the coming of the Cottonwood snow. It happens every year, this pull towards the world; this letting go of Winter’s introspection.

  • April Tumult & the Birth of New Myth

    April was a month of great change and upheaval. Perhaps I’ve been holding on to Winter, and all that it represents, and the Gods would have no more of it. Or, it could be the result of cosmic forces; a planet gone retrograde, or some other unseen spirit. I cannot say. All I know is […]

  • I Think I Saw A Goddess

    In front of me stood a large tree, next to which was a stone well (not unlike the one I’d seen at the holy site in County Kildare). Between these two sat a third.

  • Ghosti!

    At the moment of surrender, when all seemed lost, I experienced a new kind of connection to the Gods. It’s what the Druids call, “Ghosti”.

  • Tree Roots and Druid Groups

    The question is, must I be a strict adherent to any one of these traditions in order to accomplish that? Can I be an ADF member, following through on my commitment to the Dedicant Path, while still harboring this love for the Druid Revivalists and their modern spiritual offspring?

  • A Weiser Win, and a Welcome To New Readers

    This morning I received a sweet note in my Facebook inbox from “Ankhie”, the Weiser Books web guru. She wrote to inform me that my post, “In the beginning, there was Weiser…” was selected as the winner of the Weiser Books 100th Blog Post Challenge.