Tag: Contemplation
Contemplation Is Right Action
What, I wonder, are the differences between a contemplative practice and a devotional practice? I’ve read a lot about devotional polytheism this morning. I read Galina Krassova’s first installment of her Fundamentals of Polytheism series, “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Theories,” and Galina places a great deal of focus on the development of a devotional […]
Claiming a Soul-Centered, Contemplative Pagan Practice
John Halstead doesn’t mess around. When he writes, he means business. Just read his exposition on the most recent explosion of discussion and debate among Pagans and polytheists over superheroes and gods and you’ll know what I mean. John has a tremendous intellect, and when he writes on Allergic Pagan about the in’s and out’s of […]
How Do We Begin?
Sometimes I find myself out of balance. Today, for example, I came into my room — the place where I light my incense, still my mind, perform acts of reverence and celebration — and I found myself uncertain about how to begin. My mind was a repository for too many things. There was clutter everywhere. […]