In a few days I should receive a copy of Rev. Dangler’s newly released DP Journal. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll use is, or whether pen and paper will be able to compete with keys and pixels. It’s much easier to use all 10 digits to keep up with my mind, and my meager forearm is less likely to cramp when I type. But, I like paper, even if I don’t use it as much as I used to. I like the idea of paper.
I wonder what the Druids of old would think about my documenting these esoteric studies and experiences on a blog. Or better yet, what would they think of a blog?
Would they see this collection of text and color, space and lines, as nothing more than the illusion of paper; an untouchable substitute for true script?
I’ve heard that the Druids underwent extensive training to learn the secrets of their kind*. Upwards of 20 years would be spent studying, memorizing. They committed the wisdom of their kin, their tribes, their ancestors to memory. No books. No one-click ordering a tome of knowledge and having it delivered to your doorstep in 2 Business Days, only to be skimmed and shelved. These cats were memory rich. Their wisdom was a slow growth forest; not a downloadable book.
(*I’m not sure if there is any reliable evidence of this claim. I’ve still got some reading to do.)
This musing is not self-righteousness. I am not blanket-condemming the digital landscape and all of it’s parts. I enjoy the benefits, just like whoever might be reading this post. Who knows – you might be the person who posts a comment that completely changes the way I see all of this. In an instant you could transform my understanding; light-speed alchemy.
No, I’m not anti-digital.
I’m just a Neo-Pagan member of a modern Druid Fellowship, who finds much of his sense of community through the internet, and who documents his progress on this spiritual path through publicly visible, digital text, wondering what my spiritual development would look like to my druidic, spiritual ancestors?
Would they scoff, or would they approve?
3 responses to “WWDD: What Would Druids Do?”
[…] never met in person but who is responsible for the DP workbook and journal that I’ve written about recently, was ordained last year at Summerland, the ADF gathering. From the video’s […]
I like the way you see it, Arlen!
I think that there's definitely a difference between how it feels to write online and how it feels to write in a physical journal. But it's not a bad thing.
Personally, I think that the ancients would just be thrilled that people are working so hard on bringing back true worship and reverence in a scholarly way. In time we can get back to working on appropriate memorization etc. (Heck, we already have the Druid Scouts!)
You're doing a great job so far and I think you'll keep progressing in a good way.